When I was younger, we had a teeny tiny fountain - on electricity - in our living room (sounds lovely - with a big dose of sarcasm). Whenever we turned the fountain on, it looked like magic in a bowl - beautiful and peaceful.
Being us, we didn't turn it on very often, which made it even more special when we actually did.
Where's the fountain now? Long gone, which is for the best (I think it stopped working).
Photo taken by my sister in front of the fountains - obviously. Dubai 2013 (and hello creas-y scarf).
What a joy when I found out - a couple seconds ago (!) - that Isabel Marant has made a collaboration with H&M, which is relased the 14th of November.
Personally, I love her designs in general. Why, you might ask.
Well, I don't really wear bright colors, and therefore I'm always dressed in black, white, beige or any other neutral color. Isabel Marants F/W 2013-2014 is simple and neutral - if I'd discribe it in one two words. And her designs are very wearable.
Does this mean that the collaboration with H&M will be similar to her F/W collection?
We'll have to wait and see.
Visualize yourself in a white coat on a snowy december day - love at first sight? YES!
You know when you've had a bad day or been through a horrible situation, and you get that one phone call that changes your mood instantly and turns your frown upside down?
Well, that happened to me yesterday. That one phone call that made my increadibly happy - weirdly (and no, it wasn't a boy).
Bottom line is that there's a silver lining to every day and situation (some days more than others).
Don't we all just love festivals? Good thing that the annual festival is just around the corner - it actually starts today!
I've covered some things in the 'what-to-wear'-department, so you're all set to have fun - without worrying about any outfits! (That is, if you're going to the - or any - festival anytime soon).
My day started early - really early. I woke up around seven to get ready to go to the dentist - yes, there is something about the dentist and me this month considering that I went to the dentist with my cousin last week, and today with my brother.
Thank God for the license - and car!
When we got home, I looked like a cave-man (not woman) - that's how tired I was.. And my brothers mouth looked like "plastic surgery gone wrong"..
Being the great sister I am, I went to get us freshly baked bread, croissants and donuts - among other things. Black coffee was also on todays breakfast menu, and I had breakfast with M.
Breakfast at T (Tiffany's? Not really..).
So what I am doing on this half-sunny day?
Definitely getting myself a new planner! (I am LOST without one!).
I'm a day late with the wishes, but hey, better late than never (LOL).
So, what did I do?
We had our traditional Eid breakfast, got ready (remember the 'being a girl post'? Need I say more..) and was late (!) (referring to the post again) for the Eid prayers. After that we rushed to the dentist (aka my cousin) because another cousin had a tooth ache, and had smoothies and chocolate afterwards (what a contrast, haha!) and had a mini get-together before a traditional Eid dinner (with the whole fam, of course!).
Lastly, we had an attempted movie night - note; attempted - and slept (no kidding, right?).
That's how my day went - briefly.
Since I'm horrible with uploading pictures, I'm uploading the Instagram ones - and I'll hopefully be working on a requested blog post tomorrow (hint: necklace + hijab). Just thought I'd throw it out there, haha!
Outfit details. (I don't believe that I took proper outfit pictures - unusual (and sarcasm on a high level LOL)).
Necklace - Iconic
Blazer/kimono - Zara
Scarf - Bianco (as if you can actually tell what I'm wearing from this very blurry picture haha!).
Our very traditional Eid breakfast with the family - and the cousins on a visit.
Calla lilies - in the memory of my beloved grandfather. They're graceful, beautiful and timeless - just
'I've got nothing to wear' is a very common phrase among girls - or shall I say us? And I'm pretending - or at least - hoping that you're like me when it comes down to dressing. We go together, we fall together! (No?)
Don't get me wrong, I love playing around with different textures and colors (says the girl in black), but when I'm out of inspiration, I'm literally out of inspiration.. And that happens every time I go out with the family - never when I'm alone, ironically.
And having a complicated storage system doesn't make the dressing process any faster.. Clothes in boxes (the huge Ikea ones), book shelves, clothes racks, drawers, and I still end up with the same shirt(s) over and over again. Usually in black, should be added.
I should get rid of the items I'm not wearing, you say? Well, what if I need them someday? (That's another worn out phrase).
So what do I do, when my family is just about to hit the door and I'm standing in nothing but a tank top (blank canvas, anyone?) and pants?
I stress even more and end up looking like a child playing around with my moms clothes - insane..
You'd think that after asking every single family member about what to wear and ending up looking hideous, that I'd give up and leave - no, not me..
I change my outfit, and then change it again.. And lastly opt for the outfit I tried on first. Ironic, isn't it?
By this point, I'm always told to get ready multiple (!) hours before an event or family-thing.
Do I still change and re-change my outfit before heading out? Or let alone, does the time do?
Now that is something I'll never reveal..
Seriously girls, if Carrie Bradshaw can make it, so can we! (Er, say what..).
Since I couldn't sleep last night, I decided to work on the blog design.
I don't think that I'll ever be completely happy with it since there's always something that needs alternation or something like that.
Now I'll just try to figure out what kind of color etc. I want every post to be - and work on the social media bar (I only want Instagram, and I can't seem to find it...).
With my hair tied up weirdly in a bun on the top of my head, because I can't for the life of me sleep with it falling onto my face. And let's face it, who would like to suffocate themselves with their hair while they're sleeping and on top of that waking up looking like Shreks offspring?
The thing is, I'm doing everything but sleeping.. Looking through random peoples Instagram - literally picking out a victim and snooping through their pictures.. But I came to my senses; after posting some very hard-to-explain comments on their pictures (more than one victim; I can assure you of that).
So with my hair having a life of its own and feeling like a mom in my PJ's - yes, I am obsessed with PJ's - I thought that I should share my joy with you guys. What joy, you might ask. Well, I got my drivers license!
Not feeling overly excited compared to my sisters excitement of adding a new chauffeur to her list of drivers - imagine her joy.
To sum this post up; I'm posting a picture of me - trying my best to look sane while smiling in the car (after driving for six hours - I need a new hobby).
Good night (or early morning), lovelies!