Good morning loves!
I really wish I was somewhere warm and sunny rn but I'm in lab.
If anyone wants to ever test their sanity, go ahead and do your MSc. I was talking to my sister about what courses have been the most difficult during these 6 (!!!!!) years and I realized that no matter how much you complain about course labs or exams, nothing is more frustrating as doing an experiment for weeks on end only to have them fail. But then I love it at the same time. It's so exciting when you succeed with a method or when you actually understand your results.
2 months to go. 
Stress level: 150%
Let's do this!


2017 was a great year. 
It has been the year where I can truly say that I've found myself. A year of growth. 
I lived on my own for the first time in my life, in a completely different country, and fell in love with the city.
London you're still my main boo (but Malmö you'll always be home).
I went on a great family trip to Egypt when I should've been studying for my molecular microbiology final (and ended up passing the exam by studying in between swims!).
I got call-backs to many interviews, some that I aced and some that I didn't.
I won employee of the year for my old job.. And went to my first ever job-gala type of event.
I finished my bachelor's thesis! And found a lab to start on my master's thesis.
I met great people. Some that touched my life for just a minute, and others that are still around.
2017 is the year where I learnt how to cook rice. I also learnt that sometimes electricity comes in sticks.. And that you shouldn't forget to top up your stick.
I crashed a wedding. Failed PCR (but never gave up). Lived 3 mins away from a cousin I never thought I'd like. I got obsessed with avocado toast.. and cookie shots. I played golf (!).
We had baby chicks. And a baby hugo (cat).
I met up with girls that I didn't know and we ended up chatting about life and everything in between.
It has been an amazing year to say the least, but it has also been filled with some wtf moments.
My most favorite moments of 2017 aren't captured in snaps or instagram pictures. They're the late night garden chillouts, the stranded moments past train hours where you'd be thankful for your friends that would come and rescue you. They're the late night phone calls, long ass videocalls to your fav people, that you can count on no matter where you guys are in the world. It's in the hugs when you'd meet your family or friends for the first time in months. It's in the coffee shots, hiking spots, makeup free days.
I learned that there's no place like home, but sometimes you have to spread out your wings and dive into unknown waters (basically fly and float?).
Here's to another great year ♥


1. All the pretty Christmas lights in this otherwise horrible weather.
2. Cute boots.
3. Cinnamon coffee! (mix instant coffee with milk, add hot water, add cinnamon, enjoy!).
4. Cream highlighters.
5. Everything that sparkles really. Glitter nails, tops, makeup. 
6. Gym. Never thought it would ever be on my happy list. But I am genuinely enjoying it.
7. Red nailpolish (fav is Essie's too too hot). There's something about nice nails that makes you feel like you can conquer the world.
8. Full tank (car). Seriously it's so underrated.
9. Clementines.
10. Good lab results. 
What's on your list?
1. Alla vackra ljusslingor i detta förfärliga väder.
2. Snygga stövlar.
3. Kaffe med kanel! (blanda snabbkaffe med mjölk, häll på vatten (kokt), på med lite kanel. Njut!).
4. Kräm/flytande (vad säger man?) highlighter.
5. Allt som glittrar. Glitter naglar, tröjor, smink.
6. Gym. Trodde aldrig att det skulle vara på min 'saker som gör mig lycklig'-lista. Men jag tycker att det är ganska kul nu.
7. Rött nagellack (min absoluta favorit är Essie's too too hot). Det är något med att ha snygga naglar, helt oslagbar känsla.
8. Fulltank (bil). Det bör uppskattas mer tycker jag.
9. Clementiner.
10. Bra resultat på labbet.
Vad finns på er lista?


My girls surprised me with these super cool balloons. How cute?!

My flight was at 8:30 PM on a Monday from Gatwick.
The days leading up to my flight were very emotional. We had a sleepover with Charlie (the cool blue haired scientist/journalist that I met at lab), hung out with Hind (fellow coffee addict who also doesn't mind her coffee getting cold for the sake of cute pictures) and said bye to a few other people. 
Mirriam and I decided that if we cried a few days before my departure, we wouldn't be as upset on the day. It kind of worked. Kind of.
I started packing my bags on Saturday. I don't know why I'm always so last minute with packing. And I realized last minute that not everything would fit in my 3 bags + hand luggage, so I left some for Mirriam to bring when she came to see me (a few weeks ago - more about that weekend later bc I was still paying for it in the form of a super long and annoying cold for weeks after).
On Saturday we just hung out in the area, went to Westfield, got everything I needed basically. And on Sunday we also decided to stay relatively close so we had dinner at Nando's and went to Olympic Park - and ended that day with milkshakes at Tinseltown (best milkshakes ever!) and movies + packing bc I was so last minute. On Monday I was carrying everything I didn't need/didn't want to throw away from my flat to Mirriams house (a 2 min walk). So I went back and forth many times. I also remembered last minute that I hadn't cleared out one of the cabinets (I literally only had 3 so I don't know how I forgot one). So I had to call the agency I was renting the place through and ask if they could just throw everything out for me. They were honestly the best, and if you're looking to rent a place in London, I can give you their contact deets.
The car ride to the airport was emotional. I had lived in a place, all by myself, for 6 months. It was 6 months of trial and error, 6 months of meeting new people and handling situations that I've never been in before. It was 6 months of something completely new, that by the end of it was so familiar and so hard to leave. I never thought how big of an impact London would leave on me, and I didn't think I would actually miss it. But it was 6 months of growth and change. When the plane landed in Copenhagen that night I knew my life would never be the same.
 It was as if everything had changed, but yet time had stood very still in Malmö. 
Here's to new adventures ♥
Mitt flyg var klockan 20:30 på en måndag från Gatwick.
Dagarna innan var väldigt känslofyllda. Vi hade en sleepover med Charlie (den coola blå håriga biologen/journalisten som jag träffade på labbet), hängde med Hind (vi delar samma kaffeberoende och offrar varmt kaffe för att få till bra bilder) och sa hejdå till flera andra människor.
Mirriam och jag bestämde att om vi gråter ett par dagar innan jag åkte, skulle vi inte vara lika upprörda samma dag. Det funkade. Typ.
Jag började packa mina väskor på lördag. Jag vet faktikst inte varför jag alltid är sista minuten med sånt. Och upptäckte (för sent) att jag inte skulle få plats med allt i 3 väskor + hand bagage, så jag lämnade några saker hos Mirriam som hon fick ta med när hon besökte mig (för ett par veckor sen - mer om det senare).
På lördag höll vi oss till området, åkte till Westfield och fick allting gjort (med alla köp osv). På söndag bestämde vi oss för att göra något kul, men ändå hålla oss nära så vi åt på Nando's och gick runt i Olympic Park och avslutade dagen med milkshakes i Tinseltown (världens godaste milkshakes!) och film mys + mer packning för att allt inte var klart. På måndag fick jag gå fram och tillbaks mellan mitt och Mirriams hus för att lämna över saker som jag inte kunde/ville slänga. Det är en ca 2 min promenad dit, så det blev flera promenader. Jag kom också på att jag inte hade rensat ett av mina skåp (jag hade bara 3 skåp så jag fattar inte hur jag kunde glömma). Jag fick ringa mäklaren som jag hyrde stället genom, och frågade lite snällt om de kunde slänga allt. De var helt ärligt jättebra, och om ni letar efter bra mäklare i London området, så kan jag ge er deras kontaktuppgifter.
Bilresan till flygplatsen var väldigt känslosam. Jag hade bott på ett ställe, helt själv, under 6 månader. Det var 6 månader av både misslyckade och lyckade beslut, 6 månader av att träffa nya människor och ta mig igenom situationer jag inte tidigare har varit i. Det var helt enkelt 6 månader av något helt nytt, så att det till slut kändes som hemma och då var det svårt att lämna det. Jag trodde inte att London skulle ha ett så stort inflytande på mig och att det skulle sätta så djupa spår. Jag trodde heller inte att jag skulle sakna det.
När flyget landade i Köpenhamn den kvällen visste jag att mitt liv inte skulle bli densamma. 
Det var som att allt hade förändrats, men ändå hade tiden stått still i Malmö.
Nu kör vi mot nya äventyr ♥


Stockholm, 2014 ♥


2016 was an odd year, to say the least, full of wtf moments. But it was also the year of spontaneity, the year of making new friendships, and letting go of old ones. It was definitely a good year for me, despite the wtf moments. I got my first ever job as a molecular biologist (!) at a company that I absolutely love, went to my first ever stand-up show (Kevin Hart's What Now tour), started working on my thesis, got in a bunch of travelling to really cool places - Hello, Iran?! And Italy, and England. Went to the Capital for my bff's baby shower. Attended a bunch of weddings - one in Iran! 
I basically fell in love with a bunch of new places, and learned that there are two ends of a spectrum, two sides of a coin - ok, you get it. But it was a year of growth, more so than previous years.
Most of my favorites moments of 2016 are not captured with pretty Instagram pictures or even snaps. It's all the great moments that happen, but you realize that you don't need to capture to prove. It's the long-ass FaceTime conversations about everything and nothing, the long drives to your friends house in the middle of the night, the summer road trips to the best hiking spot ever. It's the moments spent in top buns and jogging pants, the makeup-free days. 
I learned to appreciate the small things, and for that I will be forever grateful.
I welcome 2017 with open arms. May this year be equally as amazing. 
Let's do this!

» 0803



1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?

Can I pick two? I took master courses at University, which was a big accomplishment for me. And I got to feed giraffes.

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?

Staying motivated through lifes ups and downs, and not giving up when things got tough.

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?

My baby sister got into med school - so excited for the little (future) doctor! And we surprised her with a (surprise) trip through Asia (she thought we were going to Dubai).

4. What was an unexpected obstacle?

When I got turned down from something I really wanted (University-related), that I thought I would get easily. Lesson learned: nothing comes easy.

 5. Pick three words to describe 2015.

Nothing comes easy.

 6. What were the best books you read this year?

'And the Mountains Echoed', by Khaled Hosseini, and 'Wicked Lovely', by Melissa Marr.

7. With whom were your most valuable relationships?

My family.

8. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?

I got happier throughout the year.

9. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?

I got stronger and more patient.

10. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?

By looking for God in everything and everyone - like love and kindness.

11. In what way(s) did you grow physically?

I'm not sure what this question is asking for, but my undereye concealer is on fleek (haha!).

12. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?

By spending quality time with friends and family. The summer trip through Asia with my family made us all grow together. 

13. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?

FaceTime with my sister, haha! Or watching silly shows on TV.

14. What was the best way you used your time this past year?


15. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?

Life has ups and downs, and you have to remember the good parts when you're in a down - does that make sense?

16. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2015 for you.

Say yes to all adventures thrown your way, and remember that tomorrow is a new day.

2015 has been all about finding myself (lost and found, hi!). I turned 21! It's been a good makeup year (if I'm allowed to be vain), and it's been amazing in terms of destinations. I feel like I'm more open minded, accepting and mentally stronger this year, and I hope that I will take all of that (and all of the good things from this year) into 2016. It's crazy how time flies, let's practice saying 2016 five times out loud, shall we?
I wish you guys a happy New Year. Let's make 2016 wonderful!


People always leave impressions in our lives, and in our hearts. No matter how long we've known them for, or what part of us they belonged to; they will always leave their mark.
It can be as simple as you buying flowers in their memory, or reminiscing how they stood by your side during that difficult time when you thought the world was collapsing underneath. It can also be by smiling when you hear a song they used to like, or laughing at a joke you know they would laugh at.
But it can also simply be by living. 
By living a life you know that they would've wanted you to live.
By seizing every great (or small) oppertunity without turning back.
By choosing to be happy. Because happiness is a choice.
Every year since my grandfather passed away, I've gotten flowers. It's become a little tradition, and a way of appreciating the little things in life.


Langkawi, July 2015
There's something very soothing about the ocean. The sound of the waves, the wind and the interaction between the two is very calming.
Maybe because humans have always found something healing about water, something transformational, religious even. Maybe it's implanted in our DNA to find inner peace whenever we hear the sound of the waves, or smell of the ocean. Maybe the rythm of the waves hitting the shore makes us think about breathing, and let that one thought consume us until we can't think of anything else.
Could that be the reason why people exercise close to the sea? Or why we take long showers and baths whenever we feel stressed? Or maybe even why we always insist on having a room with an ocean view when we're on holiday?
I'm not sure of the answers, but I can tell you this; if the ocean makes you find your inner harmony, embrace it. Because you might want to re-live that feeling.


The time I went for blue hair. Disaster. 
When women opt for a change in their lives, they change up their hair. We've all tried different side and middleparts, and you know how powerful that can be - it makes you feel like a new woman. So a haircut or even a few ehm 'natural' highlights can be life changing.
But does a haircut really change up your life?
If I look back at the few times I've chopped my hair off, I can assure you that it really is life-changing. We go through different things in life, and the first time I chopped my hair off, was because I was in need of a change. It's like changing up your perfume, or your makeup. You make small changes to get to where you want to be. I mean, if I take a sniff (haha) at my perfume collection, I can tell where I was at that point of my life. It's very sentimental. And you know how they say that scents and memories are connected? I strongly believe in that.
I'm aware that these are only outer changes, but don't you think that if you change the way you present yourself to the world, you might be going through an inner change as well? Look at girls with bold lipsticks. More than often, red lips - or any bold color - represent strength or confidence. I wouldn't wear a red lip if I wasn't confident enough that day - because the red color brings out every little imperfection on your face, and I believe that it takes great confidence to pull it off. Same thing goes to outfits. Even though these are only a reflection of who we are, we choose to present ourselves in a certain way. 
"A woman who cuts her hair off is about to change her life."
 Coco Chanel knew the power of a good haricut as she wisely stated that quote. Because in the end, it's much more than an outer change, even if we don't give it much thought at the time. 
For the love of scissors,


I've delayed writing this post for many reasons. But as many the reasons for me not to write it, I promised myself to be honest on the blog - it is, after all, my land of escape.
I lost my grandfather two years ago, and knowing myself, I wrote a very dramatic post about it at that time.
Today I choose to celebrate his life by living mine. It is after all what he would've wanted, as life brought him so much joy.
By living our lives, trying to accomplish certain thing or even study harder, we are celebrating the lives of our beloved ones whose souls are no longer with us. I will always smile when thinking of my dear jiddo (Arabic word for grandfather), and whenever I'll see a flag, I'll sing 'ay darafsh' (a persian child poem - we sound very international) from the top of my lungs.
I also promise to never take anyone I love for granted, life has taught me that. Because we really don't know when we lose them for good.


We are seekers.
We spend all our lives seeking success, happiness and love in other people. Seeking reassurance in other people is a recipe for disater, and when we realize the disasterous outcome, we start looking within ourselves. And that's when we find the inner peace we've been seeking. The success, happiness and love we need is already within us, so why do we seek it in someone else?
"Then, she began to breathe, and live, and every moment 
took her to a place where goodbye were hard to come by.
She was in love, but not in love with someone or something,
she was in love with her life. And for the first time, 
in a long time, everything was inspiring."
- r.m drake
It's already within you. All you have to do is look for it.
Happy hunting (cause this was getting oh-so-serious)