Life's not only black and white, but when you get stuck by a bee in the middle of the night, life suddenly becomes black - or black and yellow. Okay, all drama aside; I got stuck by a bee - is that normal this time of the year?
Without waking up the entire house and neighbourhood, I managed to calm myself down, put ice on it and then kill the stinging monster. I'm very proud.
As I'm fighting the urge of falling asleep for no good reason, I'll finish writing on a post I should've published a week ago - bad blogger? Completely.
Sweet dreams lovely readers (somehow, in my ears, that sounds like something you'd hear in a horror movie)


I just had brunch with my sister and cousin, which was much needed. Gossip, tea and waffles in PJ's is what Sundays are all about.
Since the weather is gorgeous and the sun is up, we might do something to enjoy these last days of the Easter holiday (I've got more posts coming up; stay tuned haha!).
I hope you all are enjoying your holiday!


"If I can't express myself, I'll die", is how the trailer ends. If that isn't a great ending, I don't know what is. I mean, it's about the designer that said "dressing is a way of life", the brains behind ready-to-wear and the maker of those gorgeous lipsticks everyone and their mother seems to own.
I find movies or biographies like these to be very inspiring, and motiviating. You need to do what you love and follow that passion as it might evolve and be greater than you ever imagined it to be. This goes for everything in life, although sometimes you need to do something you don't necissarily like to get to the place that you love. Set high goals and push yourself, because you'll be surprised of what you're capable of.
It's already been released in Berlin and France, but it's yet to be released in the USA
Are you gonna watch the movie?


Picture from Instagram
It has been a great weekend filled with greater hang-outs, birthday celebration and shopping - sadly, studying wasn't a priority this weekend. 
Life is so much easier and so much better when you're surrounded with great people, who bring out your spontaneous self and make you happy.
Since I don't have any classes today, I'm going to shower, do something nice with my hair (finally!) and have lots of coffee - and make up for the lack of studying.
I hope you girls had a lovely weekend and are having a great week!