On the left: damp sponge. On the right: dry sponge. 
I've been using the Beauty Blender for the past few months, and I'm in love. It's easy to use and leaves your skin looking like skin, which is why I prefer it over my usual foundation brush.
It should be damp defore you use it, in order for your product to not get soaked into the sponge. And I usually just squeeze it while running it in water, squeeze it dry and then wrap it up in a paper towel and squeeze it again. The sponge gets larger when it's wet (on the left above). And then it's ready to use. 
Since you have to wet it before you use it, you can cleanse it every day, which I find to be the best thing about it. And it makes makeup application quicker. The downside is obviously the price - but I have to say that it's totally worth it.
Me and my sponge


"I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go you go, my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)"
- E.E. Cummings


I spent yesterday with my best friend of twenty(!) years just catching up. It may have included singing in the car, gossiping and a movie.
We ended up watching Annabelle after deciding back and forth if we should watch Mockingjay or not (we've got issues). But since we both practically hated (or strongly disliked) the third book of the Hunger Games thrilogy, we decided not to - we read the books at our bookclub consisting of four people and a librarian, us included (Yup, we're geeks). And can anyone tell me what's up with splitting the last book into two parts? It's becoming such an annoying trend! 
Can you tell how excited I am? I love popcorn.
I hope you guys had a great Friday!


We are seekers.
We spend all our lives seeking success, happiness and love in other people. Seeking reassurance in other people is a recipe for disater, and when we realize the disasterous outcome, we start looking within ourselves. And that's when we find the inner peace we've been seeking. The success, happiness and love we need is already within us, so why do we seek it in someone else?
"Then, she began to breathe, and live, and every moment 
took her to a place where goodbye were hard to come by.
She was in love, but not in love with someone or something,
she was in love with her life. And for the first time, 
in a long time, everything was inspiring."
- r.m drake
It's already within you. All you have to do is look for it.
Happy hunting (cause this was getting oh-so-serious)


With the mind of a hunter, I went to the Alexander Wang x H&M release (two weeks ago! This post was supposed to go live then, but it didn't). Did I fall in love? Yes - hey it was all black, and you guys probably know how I feel about black. J'adore - again with the French. I'm such a cool kid.
Picture from H&M
I mainly went to get my hands on this scuba top, which I have to say looks so much better in person - the entire collection did actually. But being me, I was fifteen minutes late, which meant that this top was basically gone - in every size. So I waited by the fitting rooms for girls to return this top (if you've done that before, you know how crazy that makes you look). Long story short; I got it.
Picture from H&M
Also, I had to get this bottle because there were only two left and it's soooo pretty!
I'll show you guys how the top looks on when I wear it - haven't worn it yet (strange for someone who usually wears everything straight away).
What did you think of the collection?


My Sunday was all about endless studying, burnt pancakes and blasting the best of 90's in the car - singing included, of course.

That made me remember back in the days when you would come home from school and the only thing you did (after finishing homework) was asking people on (hold on) MSN if they could send you songs. Do you guys remember that? The good old Stone Age. I remember once when my friend sent me a movie - can you guess how long it took for it to be fully sent? Or when you'd send and recieve music via Bluetooth.
Me and my nostalgic thoughts will stop procrastinating and dive into the ocean of papers on my bed. Fun times.



Having friends is a blessing. Having great friends is so much more.
Yesterday we celebrated (read: movie marathon-ing) my friends 21st with delicious cake (featured in the photo above) - happy belated bday! 
Today, I have been reading through old blogposts. OMG is how I would describe them. I must have been the biggest weirdo on this planet - seriously! I am actually considering taking them down, but then it's hilarious to go through them and see how I've changed over these four(!) years. 
What do you guys think?