Falooda - lemon sorbet kinda thing drizzled in lemonade (I think). Basically, it's life changing.
I'll be the first to admit that Iran wasn't on top of my travel destination list. I mean, why would people want to travel to Iran?
The last time I was there was twelve years ago. Twelve. More than a decade ago! And the way you view the world when you're 10 changes as you grow up. 
I've always loved the idea about Iran. The culture, stories, poetry, even the songs that my grandpa used to chant religiously. But I never really understood them. I never saw past the songs and culture. 
This time though, I noticed people, just like me and you. And I loved Iran (I never knew I would say that).
Maybe it was because of my relatives that live there, that have embraced their Persian heritage. Or maybe it was the burning sun, combined with the multiple servings of chai. I can't say exactly what it was, but it made me happy. And I'm surprised to say that I miss it.
I feel like there's so much I want to share about this one week trip, so stay tuned for more.
In the meantime, let's pray for sun.