2017 was a great year.
It has been the year where I can truly say that I've found myself. A year of growth.
I lived on my own for the first time in my life, in a completely different country, and fell in love with the city.
London you're still my main boo (but Malmö you'll always be home).
I went on a great family trip to Egypt when I should've been studying for my molecular microbiology final (and ended up passing the exam by studying in between swims!).
I got call-backs to many interviews, some that I aced and some that I didn't.
I won employee of the year for my old job.. And went to my first ever job-gala type of event.
I finished my bachelor's thesis! And found a lab to start on my master's thesis.
I met great people. Some that touched my life for just a minute, and others that are still around.
2017 is the year where I learnt how to cook rice. I also learnt that sometimes electricity comes in sticks.. And that you shouldn't forget to top up your stick.
I crashed a wedding. Failed PCR (but never gave up). Lived 3 mins away from a cousin I never thought I'd like. I got obsessed with avocado toast.. and cookie shots. I played golf (!).
We had baby chicks. And a baby hugo (cat).
I met up with girls that I didn't know and we ended up chatting about life and everything in between.
It has been an amazing year to say the least, but it has also been filled with some wtf moments.
My most favorite moments of 2017 aren't captured in snaps or instagram pictures. They're the late night garden chillouts, the stranded moments past train hours where you'd be thankful for your friends that would come and rescue you. They're the late night phone calls, long ass videocalls to your fav people, that you can count on no matter where you guys are in the world. It's in the hugs when you'd meet your family or friends for the first time in months. It's in the coffee shots, hiking spots, makeup free days.
I learned that there's no place like home, but sometimes you have to spread out your wings and dive into unknown waters (basically fly and float?).
Here's to another great year ♥
I went back to my fav city in this whole wide world (a bit of an exaggeration going on) two weekends ago with my sister. We met at the airport in London (so cute right?) and then spent the weekend together (and with Mirriam).
It was really nice having a break from everything with an all girls weekend. We had great food (seriously guys, you need to eat at Khan's in edgware road. Best Indian food I've ever had) , went shopping and had way too much churros at winter wonderland - but it was soooo worth it.
Here's to many more great weekends together.
Då åkte jag tillbaks till min absoluta favoritstad i hela världen för två veckor sen med min syster (överdriver lite såklart). Vi träffades på flygplatsen i London (skitgulligt visst?) och spenderade helgen tillsammans (och med Mirriam).
Det var så skönt att pausa från allt och bara åka iväg ett par dagar och ha en 'girls weekend'.
Vi åt god mat, shoppade och åt lite för mycket churros på winter wonderland - men det var sååå värt det.
Hoppas vi får fler underbara helger tillsammans.
Merry Christmas you guys!
I had a super cozy christmas eve with my family yesterday. Food and movie marathon included.
Hope you guys had a lovely Christmas.
God jul hörni!
Jag hade en superhärlig julafton med familjen igår. Såklart med mat och en massa filmmys.
Hoppas att ni också har haft det mysigt.
1. All the pretty Christmas lights in this otherwise horrible weather.
2. Cute boots.
3. Cinnamon coffee! (mix instant coffee with milk, add hot water, add cinnamon, enjoy!).
4. Cream highlighters.
5. Everything that sparkles really. Glitter nails, tops, makeup.
6. Gym. Never thought it would ever be on my happy list. But I am genuinely enjoying it.
7. Red nailpolish (fav is Essie's too too hot). There's something about nice nails that makes you feel like you can conquer the world.
8. Full tank (car). Seriously it's so underrated.
9. Clementines.
10. Good lab results.
What's on your list?
1. Alla vackra ljusslingor i detta förfärliga väder.
2. Snygga stövlar.
3. Kaffe med kanel! (blanda snabbkaffe med mjölk, häll på vatten (kokt), på med lite kanel. Njut!).
4. Kräm/flytande (vad säger man?) highlighter.
5. Allt som glittrar. Glitter naglar, tröjor, smink.
6. Gym. Trodde aldrig att det skulle vara på min 'saker som gör mig lycklig'-lista. Men jag tycker att det är ganska kul nu.
7. Rött nagellack (min absoluta favorit är Essie's too too hot). Det är något med att ha snygga naglar, helt oslagbar känsla.
8. Fulltank (bil). Det bör uppskattas mer tycker jag.
9. Clementiner.
10. Bra resultat på labbet.
Vad finns på er lista?