I dedicate this post to every single girl that doesn't have the confidence to see the beauty she's reflecting in the mirror - from the inside and out.
If you pay attention to people that walk past you, and you make a deal with yourself that you have to find one thing you like about them, you will find more than one thing. Why? Because each and everyone of us is unique.
Imagine someone having the "perfect" nose, lips, eyes, chin, body, hair etc etc. I can guarantee you that the image of "the perfect person" (guy or girl) in my head is much different than yours. Why? Because our view upon beauty differs.
The portray of beauty in magazines and TV is not beauty. Being half naked isn't beautiful, is it? Modesty and elegance is more beautiful if you ask me. But again, our view upon beauty differs. That "perfect" actress you see might be the most miserable person on earth. What's the point of her beauty then?
The thing is, no one is perfect. We all lack something. And that, ladies, makes us even more special and beautiful. That weird eyebrow of yours, that doesn't behave no matter what you do to it, is gorgeous and it's making a great job framing your eyes. You see, those little imperfections lead to beauty. Don't you agree?
Stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and find your beauty - inner and outer. No one should be able to bring you down or tell you that you're not good enough. You are you. Isn't that beautiful enough?