Two years ago, I decided that I wanted to share my personal thoughts and my "everyday diary" with other people - so I started blogging. The thing is that I had no idea that I would love it. I love my readers - I feel so honored that people would actually want to read anything that I write. I love my new "blog design" and I just like the whole THETRUTHABOUT posts.
I feel blessed to have such wonderful people writing comments. And to know that there really are people that followed my journey from the beginning.
I am well aware of the fact that I don't have so many readers, but I believe that the lovely people that are reading this - and taking their time to comment - are more than enough. As I said, I had no idea that people would read it - I started out writing for fun.
I had plans of announcing a giveaway, but that plan will be on hold since I don't think that I have that many readers - so it would be (as my mom and sister said) "weird" since only (most of the time) BIG blogs have giveaways.
Thank you guys for taking your time to read my blog. It means a lot to me - more than you will know. I truly love each and every one of you, even though I don't know you.
We love you too <3