Today is my sisters birthday, which is the reason why I didn't blog (kind of). She is still tinie tiny, which is why it's weird for me to see her all grown up.. and it makes me feel extremely old!

Can't you guys remember how fun it was to be 15? (the readers that are 15+). But, to be fair, I'm looking forward to turn 18 - drivers license and what not.

Anyhow, it was a lovely, sunny, HOT day = perfect for the tan-oholic (she loves laying under the sun). We had cake, she got gifts, my aunts and cousins came over. It was fun! And there are many, many parties to attend this month.. My cousins engagement party, three birthday parties (if not more) and two graduation parties (including mine).. We even counted all the weddings, engagement parties, birthday parties and so on, that we've been to this year.. Lets just say that they were to many to count on your fingers.. But, it's always fun!

The birthday girl woke up to our "happy birthday"- song(s) - in multiple languages.. Fake voices should
be added.

I'm so jelous of her tan skin..
When we were younger, we used to write letters to each other - even though our rooms were really
close.. So I thought I'd write her something - to light up the memories.. It didn't end up being a
"real letter"; just a happy birthday poem and something more :P

"The other cake".. Hahah, I love (tiniest sarcasm) how we've stopped baking our own traditional
birthday cake.. With names and stuff on it - nostalgic?

SOME yummies. LOL, it looks so "importerat" (Swedish people, art thou there?! No, I shall stop trying
to be Shakespeare-y). I hope my aunt doesn't mind being a part of my blog..

She got a rose (ONE - big one - of the gorgeous things she got.. that I miiight "steal"). But this rose
is just so perfect and simple. I love it!

Now I will head to sleep - I'm exhausted!
Good night lovelies!

24 May, 2012 - 23:32

So fun :)

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