Ok, I'm not in love what so ever - don't get to caught up people! I just remembered Grease - AMAZING MOVIE.. and the song Summer Nights.

I'm done with physics - wooohooo (I'm such a child) - and the most horrible thing happened during the exam.. You know when you have five minutes left of the exam and you feel like those five minutes could change the world? To be fair, I usually tend to finish early and just stare at my exam, as if that would make it better - but you get the point.

This time, I needed the full 2 hours and 40 minutes - it was a final - and guess what happened during the last five minutes? THE FIRE ALARM GOES ON AND ON TELLING US TO LEAVE THE BUILDING... I haven't been angrier in my entire life (lie).. But I was in the middle of writing down my answers - or no, I was in the middle of solving an equation (we got weird questions that were TOO hard to even try to solve.. stupid physics that want everyone to fail, or get bad grades that wont let you be accepted in any uni..).

And guess one more thing? SOMEONE had started the alarm.. That made me even more frustrated.. Couldn't they have thought about it an hour earlier? Or no, I can't make myself to study anymore - I'm better off this way.

SO, when I got home, mom was BBQing - sausage (typical summer tradition!).

They were vegetarian btw - I think that you can eat those without feeling bad or feeling disgusted..

The pretty pretty plate.. LOL.. It's green.... PLASTIC?!?! But it's such a "having breakfast/lunch/dinner
at the garden"-plate!

And of course, what is sausage without ketchup? Even though I don't like ketchup, it's a must when it
comes to sausage BBQ.

Now I shall be off to shower - I feel so disgusted with myself in this heat.. IT'S SO HOT! And I shall study.
I hope you've had a lovely monday! ♥

21 May, 2012 - 21:00

Yes dear, we had a very lovely Monday! Thanks for asking and I hope ur exam went well. Many kisses from the anynoum banota xx

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