When horrible things happen to us - or things that seem to be horrible at the time - we tend to forget about everything else and turn a 'selfish-mode' on (or that's what I find myself doing).I simply forget about everything else that matters in life and feel extremely sorry about myself..
Now that is horrible..
I went through that 'I'm-in-a-horrible-position-in-life'-thing a couple days ago, due to some things that happened. I had a couple 'ice-cream'-days and completely shut out the people I care about and truly love..
When I decided that I should and need to move on with my life, I was stuck.. I couldn't move forward and I couldn't glimpse back either.. I was stuck in something that you would call limbo.
"After a hurricane, comes a rainbow"
That's what anyone would have told me at that time, and I would've shrugged and laughed. "Sure", I can almost hear myself saying in deep sarcasm. It's just a saying; nothing you should look into or even think about - is what I would've told you.
Now that would probably make up your mind about how I felt and how horribly ignorant I was during that situation (?).
That phrase used to only be that - a phrase. Now it's a way of living.
You see, while I was feeling sorry about myself, I had forgotten about everything around me. I wasn't my critical self.. I didn't even follow my daily lists nor did I study as hard as I was used to.
I couldn't see my priorities clearly.
That's when it happened. That's when the rainbow came.
When I least expected it, I was put into a situation I'd call 'lie-or-die' (to be dramatic). I was really thinking about 'lie', since the 'die' would put me in an actual die-situation (being dramatic again; so you'll get my point)..
When I was choosing my words to make up my mind, it wasn't a 'lie'. I had chosen 'die'.
But I didn't die. I overwon the situation by being true to myself and to whomever it may concern (a big crowd - that's how far I could tell you about it and that it wouldn't ruin my personal life so you won't get any wrong ideas).
My rainbow was God (that's how far into religion I'll go in this blog). He helped me through the situation instantly and my 'die' didn't kill me. It was to my advantage.
So what I've been trying to say with this essay-like post is that you should never let yourself give up.
There's always light at the end of the tunnel, and there's always a way to stay true to yourself and your priorities in life. Don't let life pursue you into forgetting about your priorities..
Learn from my mistake, and from the mistakes of others.
“Only a fool learns from his own
mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes
of others."