I've delayed writing this post for many reasons. But as many the reasons for me not to write it, I promised myself to be honest on the blog - it is, after all, my land of escape.
I lost my grandfather two years ago, and knowing myself, I wrote a very dramatic post about it at that time.
Today I choose to celebrate his life by living mine. It is after all what he would've wanted, as life brought him so much joy.
By living our lives, trying to accomplish certain thing or even study harder, we are celebrating the lives of our beloved ones whose souls are no longer with us. I will always smile when thinking of my dear jiddo (Arabic word for grandfather), and whenever I'll see a flag, I'll sing 'ay darafsh' (a persian child poem - we sound very international) from the top of my lungs.
I also promise to never take anyone I love for granted, life has taught me that. Because we really don't know when we lose them for good.