
A lot has changed, so many exciting things are happening and I can’t wait to share it with you guys. 

As you may or may not know, I graduated this summer. Officially MSc now (in molecular biology). I started a new job and I’ve just been so busy with life (how cliche is that?).

I miss summer though, hence this super summery picture, where I literally was living in these ugly wide pants (so comfy and breezy) and a long sleeved tee. I got a thing for wide leg pants apparently. Should I do a style post? Do people still do that? 

Sometimes I feel like I should talk about more important things. It’s not all about what you wear or what you bought. Life is so much deeper than that and I really don’t want this blog to turn into a superficial platform portraying the perfect life, because my life is far from perfect. 
So help me out, what would you like more of? 