Prom is tomorrow! I'm not that excited, to be honest, but I'll get in a "party mood" when I'm getting ready tomorrow.
So my hair is washed + hairmask, face is washed + facemask, nails are all painted. Have I forgotten something?

Anyhow, I'll try to upload a picture of my dress (that I also wore to my cousins engagement) tomorrow - if not, then I'll show it to you on saturday.

Btw, am I the only one to think that it is weird to have classes on the day of prom?


It is best to love wisely, no doubt. But to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all..

This is a very cute quote..
I hope you guys are having an awesome day :D


Waking up late for the last couple of days is not ok. But I can't help it! I'm waking up extremely late, and to be honest, I don't even care if I happen to be one or two minutes late for school.. Where did Laila go? Good question..

So now I'm on the bus. Late. And I'm not freaking out. Isn't that wonderful?

Anyhow, I found (or my sister found) the ring that we've been looking for - we thought that we had lost it, but it's found! :D


Can someone please tell me how it can be amusing to be drunk, or to pour alcohol on people, or throw them in lakes? I am still thinking about today, and I feel disgusted and very disappointed.. I was looking forward to the "utsparkslekar" (=graduation games), because last year, a whole class CRAWLED - not walked, but crawled - down a street. How fun - and weird - wouldn't that be?!

But I didn't hear anything about having a "which class can drink more beer than the other", until I went to the games today.. I was all dressed up - in the colors we agreed on dressing; pink - and we went all in with spray coloring our hair pink too (I only did one section of my har - a small piece) and write N3B (our "class") on our faces and so on..

Then we got our first task.. RUN across the park and drink beer from a huge bucket with STRAWS. How idiotic is that?! So I just stood there, with some friends, watching as people drank madly.. Then we got the second task.. It was also about drinking.. All the tasks were mostly about drinking, and if they weren't, people poured drinks over each other. Happily, I was standing far away from them - being the perfect little girl LOL, with a couple classmates - so I didn't get anything on me. And when I realized that there was no hope of the tasks being something else, besides drinking, I called my mom to pick me up and went home..

Bottom line is that I still can not think how people actually believe that drinking will make you more happy and make you have more fun.. I have tons of fun - without alcohol, and guess what?! I am alive! Weird, huh? :O

As you guys might have realised, I am pissed off - or was - and disgusted with and by everything. This isn't how life is supposed to be and this is not how I want to live my life. SO this is the reason why I've made a "life-plan" and I am extremely happy with it and I'm hoping that I can fulfill it - so I can get as far away from the "fun games and people" as possible..

And my school is supposed to have a great reputation.. What a joke!


First off, I want to congratulate the gorgeous couple! Congratulations lovelies ♥

I promised you guys that I'd upload some pictures on the blog from the party. Here I go - but I must say that the bride-to-be has more pictures of everything (that I could show in the blog) at home; I'll try to steal some more pictures :P And I actually might upload pictures from my other cousins engagement - if you like these kind of posts/pictures..

Oh, how I wish that I could show you how beautiful the bride was.. And I ♥ weddings/engagements/parties - they are FUN!

How was your weekend?


Finally! I'm done with my exams today and I've sent my essay to my teacher - guess how happy I am?! Now I've only got one art essay to write - won't do that today because I need some rest.

I'll look through the pictures of this weekend and show you guys how lovely this weekend have been! If I only could show you "real" pictures of my whole family (aunts, uncle, cousinS - capital s)..

Anyhow, how are all the studenten-people feeling?! :D


Hey guys!
I've been running around with mom, trying to find some last minute stuff for my dress.. It needs to get sewn or get an "extra piece of fabric" on the front because it shows off wayyy too much - that's my opinion.. And I'll show you my "party outfit" tomorrow! :D

While I'm writing this, I realized that I forgot to get a ring to go with my dress.. How great..

Anyhow, I FINALLY find the brush that I've been looking for - a stippling brush. I haven't found it in Kicks! So I got it from Lindex (but it's not a "Lindex-brand"). I'll show you that one too - I'll show you my brushes in one post and that one is going to be included. :P

What else, what else..
Oh, I snapped a picture of lilacs, they are so beautiful. And simple.. They are definitely on my "flower-favorite" list!

The gorgeous lilacs that are blossoming in our garden - beauty and simplicity.


Good morning beauties!
How great would it be to always wake up to the sun peeking through your window? I could get used to this!

Today is a busy day - many things should be done and my stresslevel is indescribable..
1. One art essay and one "art-task" should be done till monday.
2. A novel analysis should also be done till monday.
3. An exam is on monday too..
4. Birthday party on friday.
5. Engagement party on saturday.
6. BBQ-birthday party on sunday.
7. Many things to get done prior to the engagement party - I need to get some last minute stuff to my dress..
8. Things to think about before the graduation party.
And some more "simple" things such as "clean my brushes" on friday so I can use clean brushes on saturday etcetera, etcetera.

Who wouldn't want to do that? :D

My to-do-list is long for this weekend - I should get started, and get ready to go to school.


Today is my sisters birthday, which is the reason why I didn't blog (kind of). She is still tinie tiny, which is why it's weird for me to see her all grown up.. and it makes me feel extremely old!

Can't you guys remember how fun it was to be 15? (the readers that are 15+). But, to be fair, I'm looking forward to turn 18 - drivers license and what not.

Anyhow, it was a lovely, sunny, HOT day = perfect for the tan-oholic (she loves laying under the sun). We had cake, she got gifts, my aunts and cousins came over. It was fun! And there are many, many parties to attend this month.. My cousins engagement party, three birthday parties (if not more) and two graduation parties (including mine).. We even counted all the weddings, engagement parties, birthday parties and so on, that we've been to this year.. Lets just say that they were to many to count on your fingers.. But, it's always fun!

The birthday girl woke up to our "happy birthday"- song(s) - in multiple languages.. Fake voices should
be added.

I'm so jelous of her tan skin..
When we were younger, we used to write letters to each other - even though our rooms were really
close.. So I thought I'd write her something - to light up the memories.. It didn't end up being a
"real letter"; just a happy birthday poem and something more :P

"The other cake".. Hahah, I love (tiniest sarcasm) how we've stopped baking our own traditional
birthday cake.. With names and stuff on it - nostalgic?

SOME yummies. LOL, it looks so "importerat" (Swedish people, art thou there?! No, I shall stop trying
to be Shakespeare-y). I hope my aunt doesn't mind being a part of my blog..

She got a rose (ONE - big one - of the gorgeous things she got.. that I miiight "steal"). But this rose
is just so perfect and simple. I love it!

Now I will head to sleep - I'm exhausted!
Good night lovelies!


I've got a confession to make.. I've been loving nail polish lately! It's so springy, fresh and makes your nails look great - even though they're not.

What have you been loving lately?


Ok, I'm not in love what so ever - don't get to caught up people! I just remembered Grease - AMAZING MOVIE.. and the song Summer Nights.

I'm done with physics - wooohooo (I'm such a child) - and the most horrible thing happened during the exam.. You know when you have five minutes left of the exam and you feel like those five minutes could change the world? To be fair, I usually tend to finish early and just stare at my exam, as if that would make it better - but you get the point.

This time, I needed the full 2 hours and 40 minutes - it was a final - and guess what happened during the last five minutes? THE FIRE ALARM GOES ON AND ON TELLING US TO LEAVE THE BUILDING... I haven't been angrier in my entire life (lie).. But I was in the middle of writing down my answers - or no, I was in the middle of solving an equation (we got weird questions that were TOO hard to even try to solve.. stupid physics that want everyone to fail, or get bad grades that wont let you be accepted in any uni..).

And guess one more thing? SOMEONE had started the alarm.. That made me even more frustrated.. Couldn't they have thought about it an hour earlier? Or no, I can't make myself to study anymore - I'm better off this way.

SO, when I got home, mom was BBQing - sausage (typical summer tradition!).

They were vegetarian btw - I think that you can eat those without feeling bad or feeling disgusted..

The pretty pretty plate.. LOL.. It's green.... PLASTIC?!?! But it's such a "having breakfast/lunch/dinner
at the garden"-plate!

And of course, what is sausage without ketchup? Even though I don't like ketchup, it's a must when it
comes to sausage BBQ.

Now I shall be off to shower - I feel so disgusted with myself in this heat.. IT'S SO HOT! And I shall study.
I hope you've had a lovely monday! ♥


I've been studying, as I told you guys, non stop for my physics finals tomorrow.. And I'm exhausted!
But finally I am DONE STUDYING PHYSICS - not going to open a physics book as long as I live.. Hopefully!

I'll just go through some last stuff and do some homeworks.. or read a book..

Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I'll go back to being my old self and hopefully write more fun posts tomorrow (or tonight).

Have a lovely sunday - of what's left of it anyways :P


Lovely weather and a great song = happy me!
My nails are blue to celebrate the heat - it's gonna be great weather this whole week..
..working on a tan, anyone? ♥


Chelsea won Champions League and I'm happy - I would be happier if Barca would be in the game, but what can you do.

Anyhow, it was a boring game.. Nothing really interesting happened and both teams missed many chances during the game. But, Chelsea won - that's good..

I shall get back to studying, and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.
Good night lovelies ♥


It's Champions League Final right now! I'm watching it with my sister, her friend and my little brother. ...aaaand my physics books..

For now, I'm having a study break - its fika time!

Are you watching the final? Which team are you cheering on?


If you've been studying for many days in a row, without even leaving the house, you know what I mean by saying that you feel very gloomy and run from the mirror because of the tired eyes and pale skin..

I have some tips on how to feel and look alive again, using a bronzer and eyeliner..

1. Wash your hair and put on a hairmask. I usually like to get a hair mask that "goes with my shampo and conditioner"

2. Put a face mask on - after you've cleansed your skin.. I like the "one use" face masks from Kicks; the little packs that you usually use one time - or two, depends on how much you use.

3. Do something with your hair - don't leave it in the typical "home-bun".

4. CONCEALER - use concealer under your eye area. Because you are doing this, but not going out, I prefer to use a "roll on" under eye concealer - since it's not as heavy as "actual" concealer.

5. Sweep a bronzer all over your face but focus on your cheekbones - we are not contouring - chin, eyelids, temples and nose.

6. Frame those eyes! Use a black, liquid liner and frame your eyes - you can wing it out if you like!

7. Fill in your brows.. I don't like the look of eyeliner and non-filled brows - but that's just me.

8. Put on a lipstick! Or your favourite lipbalm.

After doing all these steps, I feel a lot better and can go back to study!
Don't forget to change your sweatpants to leggings and a tunic - comfortable, but not too "home-y", if you know what I mean.



I've had this blush for almost 6 months now (more or less) and I stopped using it during winter.. I thought it was "too bright", and prefered darker colors - like plum.

With a brighter weather and spring-fever, I started to use it again! And I really like the consistency of it - it's not dry, as some blushes tend to be, it doesn't make your skin flakey or anything. It's very light and goes on pretty sheer, which is good since we don't want to look like clowns now, do we?

It's from Chanel and it's called something rose - I believe. I swapped it on my hand to show it to you,
and my hand ended up looking huuuuge haha!

What's your favorite blush?


As I said, I didn't like them when I first saw them (when my mom showed them to me) because let's face it - they look hideous.. But when I tried them on, I LOVED them - they look good on and they are extremely comfortable!

Shoes from Din Sko

There you go guys - that's my shoes! ♥
Now I need to find a bag.. or purse.. or anything..


WOW. You guys have NO IDEA how long it took me to find a pair of comfortable wedges or heels to my graduation?

I have been looking for the perfect shoes for SO LONG, and I almost gave up.. Until my mom found a pair of gorgeous wedges - that I btw didn't like when she showed them to me.. But when I tried them on, I fell in love! They are the most comfortable (or the second most comfortable) pair of wedges that I own!

Good luck to all of you that are looking for the perfect, comfortable pair of shoes!
And to all the graduation-people in Sweden:
"FY FAN VAD VI ÄR BRA!" (excuse the word hahah, but I'm hyped for the graduation!)



I've been trying out different makeup looks for graduation, and I think that I finally came up with "the perfect graduation look".
I'm very excited about it and thought I'd ask you guys if you want me to "show it" to you or if you think that tutorials are boring?

Here are the products that I'm going to use.

A more detailed post about some of them will be up soooon!


Hey lovelies!
You might wonder why my blog has been so empty these past few days, and the reason for that is that I've been studying.. Like crazy!
Studying has taken up all of my time - and to be honest, I've been considering to give up.. BUT, it's only three weeks left, so I can manage to keep it up!

Anyhow, I just wanted you guys to know that I'm alive, and that I've got some exciting post to come up. Be sure to check them out! x


So I've been studying at the library every single day - counting from the end of last week. It have been great since I've been "forced" to study.. You can't really go to the library to watch YouTube videos - that would be preeeeetty weird!

Anyhow, me and my friends got some yummies (aka food) to keep our heads up and our eyes open..

Three weeks till graduation - yay! :D
How have you guys been? x


The weather outside is so boring.. It makes you feel extremely dull and tired - that's not fun!
So me and some friends went to study at the local library, and I actually got a lot of things done - and I got some help, since we were supposed to help each other. Physics is not the easiest subject, you know :P

Because of lack of inspiration and lack of subject - I have no idea what to write about - I have not posted many posts these days. And that, I am sorry for. I guess that I need some time off the blog and that is what I'm going to do.

I'll try to seek some inspiration..



I have a confession to make.. I think that I'm liking bracelets more than necklaces - and THAT, my friends, is very not me.. I'm a necklace person!

This current obsession has made me pick out my bracelets BEFORE picking out my clothes.. Strange? Maybe maybe..

- I've been trying to upload this post all day!! It's not working and I'm extremely frustrated..

» Q&A #1

I promised that I'd answer your questions today - let's get started!

yes please, do a Q&A?
Im wondering if you could take a pic of ALL your makeup? and also I want to know what new books you've been reading aside from jane austens' books :) bless ya x

I'm doing a Q&A now :P and my makeup "collection", I feel very weird when I refer to it as a collection... But I will show it to you (maybe this weekend). What new books I've been reading? Well, asides from my Heureka Fysik kurs B (physics book) - which I btw recommend.... ... .. - I haven't really been up to anything new, which I find to be pretty sad.. I will be reading soon though - tomorrow I suppose - since I have to write an essay about a novel that I haven't picked out yet (no worries, it's due in about three weeks) and I'll let you know which one I decide to read :D

Why are you anonymous? x
It's very funny that you asked me that question since I was discussing it with my mom a couple minutes ago! :P
When I first started blogging, I had almost no readers at all, and I didn't find any need to post up pictures of myself because of Internet insecurity, I suppose.. I still have a hard time trusting the Internet - spoken like a true 50 year old (no offense), but thats how it is. Even though I've actually been considering to post up pictures, with me in them, I don't know when or if I will do that. And you already know my name, age and where I live - so I'm not thaaat anonymous, am I? :)

Can you show pictures of after your graduation ?
Of myself or of my outfit?
I'm probably starting (already posted up the first post) a graduation-countdown-post-thing where I'll write about the last month of High School. And of course, I will update you guys about my graduation and the party and so on!

I hope this post helped you getting to know me better, and that I've answered all of your questions!


I think that this is probably one of the yummiest things you can have - kind of.. Because of it being healthy, you won't feel bad or "heavy" (if you know what I mean - like when you have a BIG meal when its late and so on)..

So I had cornflakes and müsli with my mom and sister - I've been writing too many "this-is-my-life"-posts lately.. Tomorrow I'll be back on track with regular posts!

For now, I need to study - badly..
PS. I will upload the Q&A post soon!


Me and my friends have been writing on a list of 50 things to do before graduation - so we came up with a list of 50 things to do.. And we shared it with our classmates, who loved it and now most of our class is up to competition against each other. It's very fun!

One of the things that was included on the list is wearing different rings on each finger - so you have to wear ten rings.. for a whole day!

I wore ten rings today and did people look at me as if I'm an alien? YES!
I snapped a picture of my fingers.. Let's just say that this isn't a style I'll be rocking!

Btw, pink (neon) nailpolish makes your hand look more tan!
Something that I've been loving ;D

» 9/5-2012

Today was a busy day - I came home about two hours ago and I'm exhausted, but I need to study.. Why do they put all the exams now?

Anyhow, I went out with my mom and sister - girls night out in the middle of the week is very luxurious! I had to get some stuff for my graduation - accessories, shoes and a clutch/bag. I found, or my sister got, a gorgeous neclace that she gave me when we got home - thank you Mona! ♥
I got some other things too; face products (cleanser and so on) that I've been obsessed with! I LOVE them!

Usually I only get the cleanser and toner, but today I decided to get the day/night cream too; let's see if I'll love it as much as I love the other two products. I will write a blog post about cleansers and toners soon.

And I have to mention that the food at

We had lunch/dinner at Curry Republic - the food was delicious, and I really recommend that place
if you happen to be in Malmö -

I will write more about these products that I really love. They WORK!

How was your day?
PS. I will do the Q&A post tomorrow, hopefully (many promises today haha!) - so if you've got any questions, post them in the comments below. x


I've almost used up all of my concealer - and I desperately needed a new one.. So I went to the MAC store and asked the girl to help me find my shade (since mine was a little bit too dark - one shade too dark). We found my shade and when she was picking it up, she noticed that it was out of stock.. With almost no concealer at home I thought that I'd try another one, and see what I think of it.

That's why I got the Studio Sculpt Concealer by MAC. I know that their makeup can be a bit pricey, but I think that a good base is worth splurging for..

I really hope that this product turns out to be good - I need it for graduation!

Do you have any products that you tend to splurge on? ♥

» Q&A?

There is a request that requires me to do a Q&A post, and now I'm wondering;
what are your questions?

There was another request that wanted me to show you all of my makeup, and I will do that sometime soon! ♥



I have no idea where to answer/comment on the questions/comments on the blog.. Should I do a blog post to answer/comment your questions/comments or should I do something else?

I need your opinions! :P


The title doesn't have much to do with me - except that I'm ADDICTED to this song.. And it's on the radio as I'm writing this hahah!

Today have been a "chill" day - had only one class. Afterwards I went to pildamsparken - a park and reflected over my life..

.. ok, that was a lie. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up ;D.

It's such an amazing day! So sunny - I should study outside today!


I love Jane Austen. Her novels are so honest, inspiring and modest in a way I really like. She tend to always make you fall in love with her characters and wonder if there are people like them out there. You experience their experiences, laugh and cry (almost) with them. I love Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility. And I really enjoyed reading Persuasion.

I have this book at my nightstand, for some reason, and I want to share my love for it with you guys (I always exaggerate, if you haven't noticed that already :P).

Also, I know that many of you might think that it's very difficult to read - which is true, but you will learn to read it - and some of my friends have told me that it's just "boring, old romance" which is not true! They are all about romance, but not only. They make you feel like you're a part of a different world, not a perfect world, just different.. You also feel like you grow up with the characters - I outcame my prejudice with Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice, found myself with Emma in Emma and so much more. It might sound very cliché, but that's how it really is. I absolutely recommend these novels to everyone.. you might even be surprised with how much you really will enjoy them!

I got my copy from a relative, and it's very old - from the 60's! It almost feels like it's vintage - which is veeery cool LOL.

Extremely old - the reason why it's very special to me..


Good morning lovelies!
It's so nice to wake up to a sunny day, blue sky - I'm pretty dramatic btw..

Anyhow, my family woke me (and my sister) up (at 9!!!!), and we had a family breakfast. My parents had made us different things and so on, which I really appreciated - adorable! :')

So I snapped a photo of the breakfast table (which wasn't complete when I snapped the photo).
I hope that you'll have an amazing sunday!


Every now and then, I get this "kick" to change my blog - change the header, the colors and so on.. And it always feels as if I'm cracking through extremely difficult codes! I mean, trying to change the settings isn't very easy.. specially if I'm trying to change the design without even knowing what the different codes mean - but with practice, everything is possible!

I think that I'm done cracking codes for today, and I shall study - exams coming up, yuck!

Anyhow, I wish you lovelies an amazing day! ♥


So I've wanted to try some products out for a while now, and I finally got them! I'm very excited about using them - I'm currently trying out some of them, but I can't really make a review since I haven't tried them out for so long..

Products from the left:
1. Lumene Matifying and Retexturizing Primer - I picked up this product because I've read a couple reviews about it that states that it is a good product for oily/combination skin. Since I have combination skin, I thought I could try it out because of graduation coming up and other important events where I don't want my foundation to be smudged out nor fade. I'm very excited to try it out! :D

2. L'ORÉAL Volume Million Lashes - I've heard SO much about this mascara so when I was out of mascara, I thought I'd give it a try! But I got it in brown, since I've been liking "natural lashes". I've been wearing it for a couple days and I don't really know if I like it. It can be extremely clumpy if I'm not careful with applying it and I don't really like the brush.. I'll give it more tries and let you know what I think.

3. Gina Tricot in number 50 "Have a mint" - When I found out that Gina Tricot were selling makeup and other beauty products, I thought that I had to try something out! Although I'm very skeptical about using makeup from "clothing stores" since I don't really know what the ingredients are and so on, I thought that I could try their nailpolish.. and I was looking for a mint green nailpolish which is why I got it. I'll let you guys know what I think of it once I try it!

4. Maybelline Fit Me foundation (115) - I saw this product along with the other "Fit me" products and thats what made me get it - well, that and the fact that I realized that I needed to go a couple (maybe two) shades lighter in foundation :/ that wasn't very fun to know! But I've used this product for a week or so and I actually like it! It gives me the coverage that I look for in foundation - and when I want to look "extra nice", I mix it up with another foundation (Max Factor Experience - I think that that's the name of it).


My little sister (sounds like she's 5) went to one of my classes today - to check the school out (again, since she came to the open day/house) but she wanted to see how the "real" environment there is; during classes and so on. So she came to one of my classes - and I think that she found it a little bit tooooo quiet :p wish her good luck with choosing hs!

And now we are having "fika" (I'm having lunch haha).

Have a wonderful day - and for the malmöiterna; enjoy the sun! :D


I am obsessed with blouses. I LOVE them! When I was cleaning my closet (re-organizing it) on monday, I realised that I don't own many regular tops - in fact, I might own three tops (cotton) that I can wear outside - meaning; tops that are not T-shirts that you sleep in! So, obviously, I have an obsession..

Something that I've been looking for lately are either white blouses (that I might have purchased way too many), beige or any other pastel color.

A difficulty that I'm facing with these blouses is that many of them are way too cropped and short - I mean, nothing I would like to wear on regular basis.. You gotta cover up that back, you know? :P wow, how cheesy didn't that sound? So whenever I find a "nice-lenght-blouse" - I get it! (exaggerating maybe..).

So when I found this gorgeous mint green blouse (that goes with the pastel trend!), and that has an appropriate length AND that is oversized and adorable - I fell in love..

And now, instead of studying, I figured that I could show you the blouse AND do a little "outfit-inspiration-post" with it, even though I only paired the blouse with a necklace - nothing more..

Blouse - Lindex

Necklace - H&M


Since summer is coming around, we all just love having an extra glow on our face.. But sometimes, there is no time to lay under the sun or use any self tanners - faking it (naturally) goes a long way at times like these and that's what I've been rocking (or trying to) lately.

I found a picture of Blake Lively with a gorgeous summer-glow-skin, but I wanted to keep this look simple and very natural, which is why I skipped some of the steps.

1. Do your regular foundation (or powder)/concealer routine. Don't forget to prime and moisturize beforehand!

2. Pick up a bronzer with no shimmer, sparkle and so on - it should be plain "brownish". Don't choose a color that's too dark on you if you are fair skinned. That wouldn't look like a summer glow - it would look like a summer burn or something like that and that is not attractive!

3. Sweep the bronzer on your cheekbones (not the hollows of your cheek - we don't want to contour, just fake a glow), your nose, your jawline and along your temples using a powder or blush brush.

4. Using an eyeshadow brush (crease brush), sweep the bronzer along your crease, slightly up to your browbone, but not all the way up under your brows!

5. Sweep some shimmery highlighter (I use a champagne-white-goldish eyeshadow for this, since I think that it looks good.. And it doesn't make my face go oily - I have combination skin!) on your cheekbones (only! dont take it further down!), your nose (just along the bone - and use a tiny bit if you have oily skin!), under your brows, the inner corners of your eyes and your cupids bow.

6. Fill in your brows (I think that a full brow look is very flattering during summer, specially when wearing this look, since you wont have anything on your eyes).

7. Sweep a pink or coral blush (personally I prefer pink) on the apples of your cheeks and blend.

8. Put on some brown mascara - it looks more natural than black and I've been loving brown mascara lately.

9. Apply your favorite lipbalm (or a pink/coral lipgloss/lipstick) and your ready to go!

Simple and easy steps that I LOVE!
Btw, what do you guys think of this type of post? Do you want more or less of it?


Making lists for everything is always soothing. And lists always tell you the truth, no matter what, unless you are not being honest while you're writing it.
I like to do pros and cons lists whenever I'm making a hard decision about everything that life offers - and you all probably know that it is unlimited. Lists can be made in your head, in your phone, in your diary (if you're old fashioned like moi, ehm ehm), on a piece of paper - they can literally be everywhere.. And that, my friends, is very practical!

This photo is a great example, and lets be honest - we agree!

Photo is from here.


to all of my readers for writing such sweet comments! I really appreciate it ♥

Thank you guys!
And let me know if you have any request of a certain post or "post-genre" (can you even say post-genre?).

Photo is from here.


I watched this superhero movie yesterday, instead of joining the mass of people that went to Pildamsparken because of it being Valborgsmässoafton (bonfires and so on - don't really know how to explain the day. For international readers, you can click here to learn more about it).

The movie turned out to be a big disappointment.. It was a "typical" superhero movie and it got really boring at some points - but again I guess that it's a "typical guy movie" (no hard feelings, ladies) because the majority of the people that were in the theater - to watch the movie - were males (there were about, less than 10 girls there..).

So this is a movie that I do not recommend.. I should probably tell you guys that I'm not very "picky" when it comes to movies - I enjoy most of them, but this one was a disappointment.. Perhaps I had too high expectations because of the great actors and actresses - who knows, who knows.

Here's the trailer - and the movie seems increadible here although it's not!
Watch and judge! x