OK, so me and my sister have been going on and off about getting a system camera because of the gorgeous pictures you get from it. And it's nice to have such cameras in handy whenever you need them - not that the digital ones are bad quality or anything, because they are amazing as well.

Anyhow, we haven't talked about it much with our parents. So when dad came home with a system camera, we were surprised. Or actually, the real story is that my sister came up to me with a huge smile on her face, as if she won one million kronors or something. Then she told me to get down, FAST - which kind of freaked me out.. And then I saw it, on the living room table - in all its glory (maybe I am exaggerating a little).

I know that I don't usually post pictures of things I get and so on, but I'm really excited about this and want to share it with you guys.

What kind of cameras do you prefer, digital or system?

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