Hi beauties!
I just came back from a "girls night in" at some relatives house - I had fun, and felt like my life might come back to me (since I've been studying like crazy).

Anyhow(that word again!!!), I baked some really yummy chocolate chip cookies - the recipe says that they are supposed to taste better than (or similar to) Subway's chocolate chip cookies, and I gotta say that they turned out to be DELICIOUS!

I actually baked them on thursday, to take them with me to school because we had a "course finale" with a teacher we've had for 3 years, and she said that we should have a "fika" (which is a word that doesn't exist in english and it drives me crazy!! Basically, it means "coffee break" or something similar to that. And I thought that I should bring something with me (she said that we didn't have to bring something).
I'm proud to say that the chocolate chip cookies were loved by everyone - at school and today.

My beloved cookies, haha! If anyone want the recipe, just let me know ;)

28 January, 2012 - 21:45

I want =)

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