Happy birthday mom!
Today is the birthday of my beloved mother, and of course, we had to pretend that we didn't know that it's her birthday.
When she later on - after noticing that we had "no idea" what day it was - recieved a happy bday message, we "realized that it really was her day" and congratulated her.

Me and my sister have been planning on making a nice dinner (we couldn't have dinner at a restaurant - personal reasons) and told her that "since we had forgotten that it's her bday, we'd make it up by cooking".

Bruschetta - "my style" haha! Since I realized that we didn't have an ingridient at home, I
It was delicious, if I may say so myself.

Salmon, potatoes, pea sauce - own recipe (kind of).

What's a birthday without a cake? (Not home made - if it isn't obvious LOL).

.. and my gift - I ♥ The Body Shop (so does my mom).

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