If you've been studying for many days in a row, without even leaving the house, you know what I mean by saying that you feel very gloomy and run from the mirror because of the tired eyes and pale skin..

I have some tips on how to feel and look alive again, using a bronzer and eyeliner..

1. Wash your hair and put on a hairmask. I usually like to get a hair mask that "goes with my shampo and conditioner"

2. Put a face mask on - after you've cleansed your skin.. I like the "one use" face masks from Kicks; the little packs that you usually use one time - or two, depends on how much you use.

3. Do something with your hair - don't leave it in the typical "home-bun".

4. CONCEALER - use concealer under your eye area. Because you are doing this, but not going out, I prefer to use a "roll on" under eye concealer - since it's not as heavy as "actual" concealer.

5. Sweep a bronzer all over your face but focus on your cheekbones - we are not contouring - chin, eyelids, temples and nose.

6. Frame those eyes! Use a black, liquid liner and frame your eyes - you can wing it out if you like!

7. Fill in your brows.. I don't like the look of eyeliner and non-filled brows - but that's just me.

8. Put on a lipstick! Or your favourite lipbalm.

After doing all these steps, I feel a lot better and can go back to study!
Don't forget to change your sweatpants to leggings and a tunic - comfortable, but not too "home-y", if you know what I mean.


19 May, 2012 - 16:41

Great tip , thanks :)

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