I haven't been the best blogger(ess) for the past x weeks, which I apologize for.
Don't get me wrong, I've tried - so hard - to blog, but I just couldn't.. And then there's uni, and tests, and labs, and reports and people I need to deal with (that I btw haven't and really really need to).
With all of that adding up, I've been horribly stressed out - still are.
I actually cried yesterday when I couldn't handle the studies, and then I cried even more when I got an exam result (happy tears for the latter).
And you know what I realized (I need to erase that word from my vocabulary); 
I can do so much with my life. I have so much potential and so much to give. I need to do something important and I kind of know where I'm headed - for once haha.
God, it feels nice to just write to you guys! Sob story; you guys are my friends, even though I haven't met you or know who you are.. But the growing number of readers makes me speechless (or writeless as a wise person have told me).
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for keeping up with my constant absence.
Take care of yourselves, beauties, and I'll be posting here sooner than you can say brushes (whaaaaat?).
Instagram picture with sunnies that don't even look good (but that I absolutely love) posing with chocolate
frappino in the car on a sunny day :')

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