So what have I been up to these past couple of weeks?
Went through a horrible two-day-thing = ice-cream was my savior!
Watched the Iraq-UAE football game.. We lost.. 
Had tons (and went to tons) of family dinners/gatherings
Went skiing with these lovelies (and some more) - btw I WILL be killed for putting this picture up..
Ate some more..
And ate again..
And I've been to my cousins engagement - congratulations for the happy couple! 
We've had a family reunion - because of the engagement (woop wopp).
I'm probably not doing YouTube (because of some mixed opinions from different people - whose opinion I respect. BUT I might be able to talk them out of it!).
I've had multiple exams..
I've been happy - still am.
I'm on my not-buying-anything month (except for products I run out of - ex. concealer, cleanser, makeup-remover, etc. since they are basically essential). But I will NOT shop - no spring wardrobe for me.. Or exiting eyeshadows..
I've signed up in a gym! Me - gym! I haven't been to a gym for almost two years.. 
That's a quick update for you guys. 
All the pictures above are from Instagram - I'm too lazy!
What have you lovelies been up to?

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