Waking up to sunlight (yesterday), I decided that it was time to stock away all the chunky knits - and sort out some of those messy drawers. 
What I thought would be a tiny project, ended up taking hours! I had recently thrown out six (!)bags of clothes I didn't need or want - and let's face it; those stocked away dresses will never be worn.
How do you know what to keep and what to throw?
I say keep everything that you reach for from time to time and that will never be out of fashion. Jackets, cardigans, jeans (not if they don't fit), dresses, purses, etc. But throw/give away the items you haven't worn for about a year.
Being a clothes collector (I just hate to throw away items that might become a hit one day..) - I had three (!) boxes of stocked away clothes that I never wore.. Some of them for way too many years that it'd make me embarrassed to confess exactly how many..
When I (a couple months (?) ago), decided that it was time to donate them to people in need, I was left with two boxes - that's a huge effort of donating/throwing away clothes, being me..
Today I'm only left with one box (this sounds like a commercial!) - and it feels gooooood! Note the amount of o's..
I snapped some pictures to motivate you guys to spring clean your closets!
And I'd love to see your spring cleaned closets - nosy? Yes..
I didn't snap any pictures of my drawers, etc. because that would be way too much details..
Hanging up summer dresses or any item you really love, will make you happy whenever you get
That used to be where I hung up my dresses, but I needed more space → dresser! I brought it up 
when I first cleaned my closet (months ago), and since my room is small and there's no other space
in my closet because of another "dresser", I had to remove my dresses.. But I used the rack to hang 
up my favorite necklaces.. Decorating with jewelry is a great way to personalize a space.
Random rings and other stuff in this tray..
Whites, to light greys (there's a missplaced cardigan), to pinks/reds, greens, blues, blacks and then
some dresses - I mostly wear whites and blacks; not a very colorful palette.
I hung up these purses for inspiration.. Another way is to hang up pictures from magazines, quotes etc. 
I've done all of the above because I'm cheesy like that LOL.
I've put my work-out-gear in this basket to remind me to work-out. I put it on the floor so I'll see it
whenever I walk in. That will make me to remember to work-out and make me feel bad when I don't!
Do let me know in the comments if you decided to spring clean your closets!

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