We chose to decorate with the most random things. Gingerbread included. (I totally changed the picture)
I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year - wow, that sounds so standard.
For the last couple of weeks, I haven't really allowed myself to publish the few (should be added) posts I've written. Mostly because I, sometimes, can come across as a very harsh, judgemental person - with very strong opinions. And I get it; I have strong opinions, which most of the time isn't a great thing. But I believe that - or I'm trying to - when, or if, we use our flaws correctly, they can become an asset. Wow I really sound odd, don't I?
For the upcoming year I can promise you this; I will give you the most raw, unedited version of myself - weird thoughts included. I want my blog to really live up to its name - yup, still lame.
On another note, I really do wish you guys a merry christmas (and obviously a happy new year).
Update: snow decided to show up. In case anyone was dreaming of a white christmas - I'd rather dream of a white-beach-palm-tree kind of christmas.

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