On the left: damp sponge. On the right: dry sponge. 
I've been using the Beauty Blender for the past few months, and I'm in love. It's easy to use and leaves your skin looking like skin, which is why I prefer it over my usual foundation brush.
It should be damp defore you use it, in order for your product to not get soaked into the sponge. And I usually just squeeze it while running it in water, squeeze it dry and then wrap it up in a paper towel and squeeze it again. The sponge gets larger when it's wet (on the left above). And then it's ready to use. 
Since you have to wet it before you use it, you can cleanse it every day, which I find to be the best thing about it. And it makes makeup application quicker. The downside is obviously the price - but I have to say that it's totally worth it.
Me and my sponge

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