We went to the 'Wat Pho' temple, most known as the lying down Buddha.
Then we walked to the 'Grand Palace', which is nearby, and just had to take a picture of this group of tourists.
We took a boat ride through the 'Thonburi Canals' to see the temple of dawn; 'Wat Arun'.
And we went through the floating market; where people sell things like food, souveniers etc, on boats. Really cool!
Something that wasn't as cool were the almost fallen apart houses. Where people actually lived in. You could really see the big contrast of the tourist-y Bangkok and the poor side of it.
We drove past the parliament house and saw newlyweds taking their wedding pictures. How adorable is that?
We had Indian food everyday at MBK (shopping centre).
We went to a the Chinese market - highly recommended. We had more dragon fruit and fruit juices. My skin had never looked better - all the fruit!
This was in another mall, that I can't remember the name of (you should really write everything down right away. But it was really cool).
The zoo! Biggest kids on the zoo?
There were children with their grandpa feeding the giraffes, but the children weren't as excited about it as their grandpa. So when they saw how excited we were about all the animals (no comments you guys), they gave us all of their bananas so we could feed the giraffes. Obviously that had to be documented. Feeding hippos was also included. 
We mostly went to markets, like the chatuchak market (coolest place ever!) and just tried to enjoy the last days on the trip without documenting them. 
Before visiting Bangkok, I might have had some preconceptions about the country - or the city. I thought that prostitution and pollution was all there was to this city, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Bangkok has a lot more to offer. Yes, prostitution does exist and it happens openly on the streets. But if you overcome that fact (and don't go to sketchy areas), you will fall in love with the city. People are so well-dressed (seriously you guys!) and friendly (most of them). You could just walk down one street and find yourself on a crazy cool market, sipping on pomegranate juice.
Bangkok is definitely a city I will re-visit.
I learned a lot about myself and about the world around me during this trip. Traveling with an open mind, and with great company (thanks fam!) contributes to that self growth. You learn how to make the best out of every situation you're thrown in. You learn that company, and not how you travel to each place, is more important. Say no to nothing (within reason), and you might experience something you've never dreamed of experiencing. 
I hope you've enjoyed these travel diaries.
Stay safe, travel well.

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