A throwback picture since I'm still in my pj's - don't judge.
I've spent the day with my family, in pj's and everything that comes with it - including hair in a bun - watching YouTube videos. Could this year have a more perfect start?
It's the small things in life that reminds us of what is yet to come, the things that never were and the things that will never be. Knowing that everything is exactly where they belong. 
The start of a new year doesn't have to be the time to change our lives. Neither is the start of a new week. If you want to change your life, change it. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year - change it now. Because as Gandhi said,
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - and your life for that matter.
Still, a new year is exciting. 
I don't have many resolutions, I just have one; to take every opertunity that is given to me. No matter what it is, because you never know where the roads might lead you. What is there to lose?
Let's make twenty fifteen our year.

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